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 JINGYE Machinery will provide you with a product or service that will meet or exceed your certification requirements.

Our certifications include:
CE certification: container manufacturing requirement mark
UL certification: product safety certification.
ISO certification: standard system established by the International Organization for Standardization
SGS certification: third-party inspection, identification, testing and certification services. Ensure that products comply with international standards, regulations and customer requirements.
JINGYE Machinery is a progressive company with an ISO certified quality management system. The QMS standard ensures systematic control of our manuals, procedures, work instructions and documentation processes. The QMS also provides a platform for continuous improvement goals and achievements at all levels of the company.
You can rest assured that JINGYE Machinery will provide you with products or services that meet or exceed your current needs and will continue to improve. JINGYE Machinery has a number of recognized certifications as well as CQC approval.